Say about SolidPapers.com:
The writer did not follow my clear instructions even after repeated requests. The quality of writing was poor.
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Say about AssignmentClassmates.com:
Clearly stated what I needed in the order description, didn't get what I needed. When I contacted they responded late and the deadline had already passed. Could've done better.
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Say about SupremeEssays.com:
Just want to say that I'm completely satisfied with the work!
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Say about ParaphrasingOnline.com:
a part of the paper was due on the 8th of Nov.. I talked to him and extended the deadline to the 10 of Nov but he still did not write anything. He does not even answer me
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Say about MyCloudEssay.com:
Tried his best but really doesn't have the knowledge or anything for this project. Only received first draft less than 48hrs before the deadline and requested 3 extensions. Did revisions but to a very surface level.
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Say about EssayBishops.com:
it is not my assignment. 3 times he gave me the wrong work. this is wasting money.
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Say about SmartWriters.org:
She didn't give me the assignment on time, and I don't see her effort in helping me with my paper.
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Say about SummarizeMyPaper.com:
Good work, but exceeded the deadline originally stated. Although I received my paper, it put me in a serious time crunch to turn in on time.
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Say about PerfectResume.ca:
I think you missed the endnotes
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Say about OZAssignments.com:
I asked him to include 8 sentences from my boos I downloaded, because I forgot to put them at the beginning, he refused to do it. I dont like the writing, I will go on social media, and spread the news. This is a waste of money.
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Say about WriteMyEssayFor.me:
I choose 8 hours option. I make the payment at 12:51 and I have to receive it at 8;50. Now it is 9;37 in the UAE. I think I should get lower price because it took more than 8 hours. Thanks.
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Say about BestAcademicExperts.com:
The writer is such an ignorant who does not read the instructions
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Say about BritishAssignmentsHelp.co.uk:
DO NOT LET HER BE YOUR WRITER. IVE BEEN ASKING FOR RESIVISION MANY TIMES FROM HER. And also, I just release the money because i want to make sure that the word counts for my paper is exactly what i had paid for and also to check for grammar. When i asked her for revision, she refused to work on my work and ask to make a new order. Lol unbelievable!
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Say about EssayTyperPlus.com:
I had to rewrite the majority of the paper and correct all grammatical and citation errors. Horrible paper, horrible writer.
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Say about ProfessionalLetterWriting.net:
The writer did not meet the deadline on time; it was hard trying to communicating the writer because the writer was never online until 5-10 mins till the deadline, which really made me hesitant & worry. After the deadline, the writer attempt to make change, but the change is not format as it is in the provided infos. Overall, there was not enough quotes, explanations and details being used.
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Say about SpeedyWriters.us:
Don't recommend this writer, he wrote too bad!!You need to avoid him. Fuck this bullshit writer!!!!
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Say about ThesisBuddy.com:
The original paper didn't recieve a passing grade and she charged me for more analysis, when it should have been done the first time around.
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