Say about CaseProfessors.com:
It did not really say anything. No research as far as I could tell.
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Say about StudyDots.com:
Poor quality unrelated to directions given.
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Say about EliteCustomWritings.com:
Didn't follow instructions at all and finish on time.
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Say about UKDissertationWriters.com:
Poor communicator! Asks for an extension minutes before my deadline. Replies to messages After several days. Very unsatisfied.Part 1 of the work he submitted was not even running...
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Say about AssignmentHelpExperts.com:
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Say about NursingTermPapers.com:
Poor quality of paper. Why is there an equation in a business plan??? Are we teaching investors math???
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Say about AssignmentDone.co.uk:
First, ragards the part of participants of the study; you need to include a interviews questions with answers among the participants (its a required in the guidelines). Please attach The interview questions and answers in the appendix for each participant Secondly, according to part case analysis; the requirements need to include 5 articles minimum and it seems to me that there are only two citations. So please can you add 3 more articles and link it to this part.
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Say about EssayWritingService.com:
Doesnt answer his/her messages and gave medium effort and medium quality paper
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Say about PremierEssay.net:
Does not follow instructions properly
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Say about Express-Essays.com:
I'm very thankful for all the essential writing help you provided me with!
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Say about Edit-It.org:
This is not even written as a proper essay. The analysis provided is done at a middle school level. Would not recommend.
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Say about CapstoneProject.net:
The writer is really lousy ! I gave him ample time to finish my work and not what I expected
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Say about WeDoYourEssay.com:
Didn’t meet the deadline
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Say about StudentHomeworks.com:
0/100 for this bad assignment
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Say about YourEssayHelper.com:
Barley got a 70% when the teacher is a super easy grader. THIS WAS A WAIST OF MONEY.
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Say about LawBlogWriters.com:
Got the completed version of the work after deadline, even after a long time there was no agreement between the parties for a solution to resolve the issue. The provided work to me after before the 1st instalment was up to the mark but then the 2nd half was never delivered 'on time' even after the continuous instructions. I told the expert to compare the files shared with me to see the difference between the provided files in order to figure out that the work provided to me before the deadline was not complete but he never agreed.
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Say about Assignment-Writing-Service.com:
Dear Writer, Please see comment from my lecturer: Thank you for your paper This is an excellent account of existentialism that is well analysed and well written. Excellent work. thank you so much for your hard work
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