Say about NewAssignmentHelp.co.uk:
plagiarism,very late work and he didnt follow the instruction
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Say about EssayWritingService.ca:
grammar errors and not what i wanted
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Say about YourPerfectEssay.com:
Did not answer a question. Still had to write a conclusion on my own.
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Say about PrecisionEssays.com:
Horrible. When biding the writer will assure you for good work and then will cancel on you. IF YOU WANT TO FAIL YOUR ASSIGNMENT THEN CHOOSE HIM/HER!
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Say about EssayEver.com:
Did not do the prompt justice. Some of the sentences didn't make sense. It was more a summary of the book instead of listing redeeming qualities of the character like I needed. Thanks for trying anyways.
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Say about EduMagnate.co:
The instructions were not followed
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Say about AssignmentFirm.com:
I need a revision for this order ,instructor need few changes to paper
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Say about Writers.com.pk:
5 hours passed the deadline and still asked for more time. I still had to pay full price. The paper appears to be good but with the write asking for more time I know it was rush and I am very disappointed.
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Say about SpeedyCourseWork.co.uk:
close to the deadline, the writer didnt finish this work and ask me cancel that!!!! totally waste my time!!!!
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Say about AaccountingAssignments.Help:
It's a rough draft but I'm expecting it to be cleaned up.
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Say about AssignmentDone.co.uk:
Was not as eccepted and very general ..
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Say about EssaysWriters.com:
Wow! It's unbelievable, guys! You just got a customer for the whole life! You helped me on time, it was very difficult to find any sources on my subject in the libraries... thank you so much for delivering the custom essay so smoothly. The APA styling used by your writers has truly saved my time. Now onwards I have decided to buy essays for my next college assignment from you and you only.
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Say about Writers.ae:
Did not follow directions, did not meet the due date deadline.
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Say about MathProblem.net:
The work has a lot of errors that I will need to correct and some important information omitted but I can work with it.
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Say about KSAServices.net:
Not able to perform task
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Say about DoMyAssignmentPro.com:
Not exactly what I expected for the price.
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Say about UrgentEssayHelp.co.uk:
The writer's knowledge was ok or limited. The quality of writing is really very poor and writer's communication is rude to some extent. After many rounds of review comments, the writer has not taken most of the review comments and shared very poor quality work.
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