Say about CheckMyEssay.net:
Writer took all day long to complete two paragraphs that had nothing to do with the topic at hand. Did not specify at all what the topic was and generalized the pper.
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Say about PerfectResume.ca:
well, it's doesn't answer correctly, need more understanding about the question of the assignment. end up i need to do it by myself.
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Say about Buy-An-Essay-Online.com:
Writer did not follow instructions, gave writer extra time and still wosn't completed.No response from writer.
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Say about Laustan.com:
Didn't follow instructions as well as I hoped. Gave examples and clear instructions!
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Say about EssayResources.com:
Didn't finish the work before deadline (Deadline that we have promise before)
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Say about AustralianAssignment.com:
Took too long, stopped replying, have to make sure it gets done before I sleep. Thanks anyway.
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Say about WritingMetier.com:
It is second time i order the same writer, however, he copied more than 45% , my professor give me o about this essay
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Say about UK.BestEssays.com:
You didn't complete the whole assignment.
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Say about ProfessionalResearchPaperWriters.com:
Received a 54/100 on this paper. Paper was missing a lot of information. Not properly sited.
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Say about WritingPaper.org:
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Say about Nursing-Assignments.com:
Not as good as I expected. Not related to the theories I have given.
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Say about YourPerfectEssay.com:
Writer was helpful and made amendments without complaint when I asked for them, however their grasp of English is not to a high standard and this was reflected in the work
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Say about MarvelousEssays.com:
I felt that the essay I bought from your custom essay writing service was more than worth the price I paid for. Speaking of prices, I couldn't believe how low they were! It was almost impossible that I could pay that small amount and get a paper of such a great quality!
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Say about EduJungles.com:
Very unprofessional writing, I can see that he just wants to get it done as soon as possible. I asked him to focus on the risk part at the beginning and repeatedly emphasized it, and he spent 70% of the space on the completely useless part. And refused to modify, claiming that he will be punished by the company if it exceeds the space. In fact, he can delete those completely useless pages and focus on what I need. Very polite and rejected what I needed. No respect !
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Say about DissertationCapital.com:
This was my first time using exclusive papers. I had heard good things and was nervous. Well I had every right to be, when I finally got the essay it made no sense and it was too late for me to revise it. I turned it in and I received a 74 for a grade. Very disappointed I had never had a grade that low,
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Say about EssaysProfessors.com:
Many thanks for a marvelous essay! It is certain to get best grade for your work. Furthermore it shows me where I am lacking in terms of informative writing. It's everything I could have asked for. Thank you, again!
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Say about FirstAssignmentHelp.com:
Learnt my lesson
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