Say about TopEssayWriting.net:
not on time. i'm going to make a claim for his work. told him the deadline time and he didn't make it. now i can't even submit this essay.
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Say about WriteMyAssignmentus.com:
this expert made me worry about my Homework this expert sent the Homework before the deadline in a few hours which you can check it because there was not enough time to check it
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Say about Custom-Essay.org:
I rushed into paying for the essay and when I opened it and tried to read it I realized it was full of grammar mistakes,was not written in clear sentences or paragraph...sentences did not flow..., no where in the essay did it state how religion helped him survive his ordeal or even give example...now I am left to write the paper myself after paying all that money.
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Say about NursingCapstone.net:
Very unreliable, and very little communication! Paper was delivered almost 5 hours late!!
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Say about BestGhostWriters.net:
did not meet deadline and lacks in communication.
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Say about Proofreading-Help-Online.com:
writer told me to cancel the order
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Say about CheckMyEssay.net:
Can't do anything right
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Say about EssaySecond.com:
was not impressed with the work.... something just threw together at the last minute.
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Say about BestCustomWriting.org:
i have not received a draft
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Say about ParaphrasingServices.net:
Did not fulfil my order.
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Say about BestAcademicExperts.com:
Supposed to be in APA format and had several mistakes, I spent over an hour correcting this paper.
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Say about DissertationWritings.com:
And I'm so sorry... Maybe next time I will tip you or ask you again for the 15% Additional price :)
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Say about LawBlogWriters.com:
Was not happy, took 3 attempts to actually come close to following directions
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Say about CheapCustomWriting.com:
The assignment was done completely wrong, after giving a chance to correct their work, they were late submitting and the assignment is still not right. This writer is in way over their head in assignments and slaps junk together and calls it a paper. DO NOT SELECT!
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Say about Edit-It.org:
Not really sure if she knows what it means to cite in text, does not follow instructions.
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Say about CustomEssays.co.uk:
Grammar issues not enough content.
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