Say about AssignmentDone.co.uk:
I am looking for someone more professional.
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Say about HelpWithDissertation.com:
The writer can't complete it. She should not bid on assignment if she can't complete it very unprofessional.
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Say about Essayrx.com:
Clear instructions for a 4 page paper, not counting the front cover page and back reference page. Completed my previous paper early, but did not follow the instructions to a tee. Currently working on a new order to have redone or even rewrite/edit paper originally requested.
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Say about SpeedyAssignments.co.uk:
I only get D+ for this assignment
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Say about AccessEssay.com:
From my teacher: What you have here is good, and very in-depth. However a lot is missing here from the assignment itself.
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Say about Order.StudentShare.org:
Did not check for mistakes which there was a lot and did not read directions.
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Say about NursingEssayExamples.com:
Did not at first have the recommended references cited, also a lot of Grammarly errors that I myself had to fix, and do some rewriting on my own.
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Say about Essays.Agency:
This writer never online say they going to have it in 24 hours that's a lie , never onlie
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Say about WriteMyThesis.net:
not on time and not correct
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Say about EduGuide.pro:
Very poor. Dont make orderes with him. It will take u ages to understand what you want. Plus, bad attitude, having bad faith with customers and he think everyone is free to play games with him. Better fix his confidence problems. Finally, NOT RECOMMENDED - RISKY. Will give you more tension that what you already have
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Say about EssayFactory.uk:
I did not receive a paper from the writer !!
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Say about PapersLead.com:
Did not know what she was doing!
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Say about Supreme-Essay.net:
User-friendly website, plus efficient ordering system plus excellent quality. Your services met all my expectations.
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Say about SkyCustomWriting.com:
I have extended the deadline for the writer, but the writer missed it without timely resonable reason. Quite disappointed that the writer unable to demostrate his professionalism and punctual quality in my order.
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Say about TCBSolutions.net:
I give the writer about a paper about what should the paper write about and how the paper should be structured. However, I checked the paper and find that the content is almost not related to what I give to the writer. And the article should be five paragraphs while the writer give a 7 paragraphs.
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Say about WritingPaper.org:
Writer is horrific, very unprofessional do not use!
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Say about Writing-Services.org:
I spent 4 hours editing the paper myself. The writer did not edit anything on the paper I asked him to. He provided me with "the first draft" you write about a project. Full of grammar mistakes, incomplete sentences, and some things that didn't make sense at all. Other things in the paper were a joke. He had 4 weeks to do the paper and I sent him many messages about his mistakes. Nothing changed.
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