Say about AchieveEssays.com:
Kinda slow at responding
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Say about Nursing-Assignments.com:
So many grammatical errors. many of the paragraphs do not even make sense.
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Say about USATodayEducation.com:
dont know anything about tax,all wrong
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Say about PrecisionEssays.com:
I paid for three pages. the first page was supposed to be the abstract and the second and third page were supposed to be the paper. I got 2 1/2 pages with no abstract. I need a revision to include the abstract no greater than 2 hours. That's my paper deadline.This is the second issue from this site.
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Say about SplendidWritings.com:
Test not made, reason was no writer was found yet no updates before the test
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Say about EssayWriter.pro:
The writer was very quick with the task, and it looked as if everything was fine. But by taking a closer look to the text, I noticed that most of the references are kinda irrelevant to the sentence the writer was writing about, and seemed kinda random. Some of the facts I checked were completely false from scientific point of view, and the structure was lacking.
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Say about ProcreativeWriters.com:
I am truly sorry, but this was very poor work.
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Say about USAOnlineEssays.com:
My paper did not make any sense. I've never had this issue before I'm extremely upset it to last minute to even try and fix mistakes I have a deadline and it's due in a few minutes.
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Say about Writing4U.ae:
He does not understand law research
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Say about WritingPaper.org:
This guy copy pasted code from mathworks and github. He didnt even bother looking that is was for python, instead of matlab, for which i asked. I gave him a 3 day time extension, yet he decided to try pulling fast on me again. You can check my assignmets that i gave him, and what he sent me.... Ban him from this service, i doubt its hes first time doing this.
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Say about BestCustomEssay.org:
I have been asked to provide more details but everything has been already agreed 2 weeks ago. The writer isn't professional, not happy with the service at all.
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Say about TutorsUmbrella.com:
He submitted a %58 plagiarized paper
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Say about MastersEssay.com:
Writer failed to produce work.
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Say about EssayTwist.com:
Unfortunately, this writer did not work out as expected. Friendly and courteous, but not to the level expected for MBA.
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Say about ParaphrasingServices.net:
This paper had many subj/verb errors, few misspelled words, incomplete sentence. i was very disappointed with the essay especially after they said professional proofread before sending. 1 Star rated
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Say about ReliablePapers.com:
you are very unprofessional you have not checked in to see if the client needed any changes and you dont.
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Say about NursingCapstone.net:
This writer failed me twice. The writer did not turn in my two papers and didn't even bother to inform me that she was not going to do them. Very disappointed, now I'll be more careful of whom I assigned for essays.
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