Say about MasterPapers.com:
It was a reflective journal not a paper. I had to reorder another paper because even with revision the journal was still terrible
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Say about ThesisBuddy.com:
The writer doesn't use the book that I mentioned he came up with his own idea!!
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Say about PapersGear.com:
Very unprofessional. I have given this writer almost 10 days and didn't read the guidelines at all. I would never recommend this writer. Sorry to say i asked the writer for revisions but writer couldn't understand anything.
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Say about UKEssayWriters.co.uk:
Did not follow the directions and made unnecessary step, so I have re write the paper
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Say about BritishAssignmentsHelp.co.uk:
The order is not what I requested for
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Say about DissertationServiceUK.com:
writer told me 6 hours gonna give me first part of essay i didnt get it,i mention so many time of note card he didnt know what i mean and write the essay it not i want
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Say about ParaphrasingOnline.com:
I think you missed the endnotes
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Say about AustraliaAssignmentHelp.com:
Didn't follow the instructions
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Say about SuperbEssay.com:
My deepest thanks to you and your staff for the terrific paper you wrote for me. It is clear that you don't just work there for the money. I can tell that your care made my paper the best that it could be. Thank you!
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Say about AcademicWritingExperts.com:
he is not willing to deliver good work
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Say about UKDissertationWriters.com:
Had a lot of issues with basic comprehension of the assignment. I am very unsatisfied with his service.
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Say about PrecisionEssays.com:
The writer was not knowledgeable of the subject, which made it difficult for them to understand what needed to be done in order to complete the paper. I requested a revision, which was completed, but the paper was still not on point and there were many spelling errors in the paper. I was totally unsatisfied with the outcome of the paper. Also I requested a writer from the U.S.- someone who speaks English and it was obvious from the writers style of writing that the writer was not from the U.S.
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Say about QualityAssignmentHelp.com:
I gave the writer a very long lead time to complete, they left it to last minute and needed a lot of extensions. I tried many time to resolve questions, which they attempted, but unsatisfactory.I resubmitted with a new writer
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Say about EssayTreasures.com:
Horrible writer I've never had since 2014. The writer and I went back and forth about assignment. I provider examples for the assignment as well and the writer still did the assignment wrong. The writer was very rude as well. I don't understand why bid on an healthcare assignment when you don't have a clue about the subject. I wrote the discussion myself therefore you just received 26.70 for free because I couldn't use whatever you wrote. Please know the subject before you make your bid.
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Say about NursingWritingServices.net:
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Say about ThesisBuddy.com:
Didn't follow SIMPLE directions, stopped communicating, caused me to be late with my work.
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