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I had to request a revision and explain the assignment again, but overall the paper was decent. Thanks.
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unfortunately I am not that satisfied. went off topic a couple of times. 3 pages were provided and was asked to write 2 more.. only did 1 1/2. her work was good just not what I was looking for.
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I got a really bad grade. Just disappointed.
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
This assignment does not require any knowledge of Japanese. Just knowledge of linguistics/phonology. Could this be looked at again? Kind regards,
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Had the result and it was a fail
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Write never responded to my queries and there was poor communication with relation to the changes needed.
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took too long and wasn't what I was looking for
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Wasn't what I exactly needed, had to go back and change a lot of slides.
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I cancelled my order with this expert because I lost trust in his work. I feel like he is trying to give me anything. He didn't follow my assignment instructions. He delivered an incorrect assignment past my deadline. I won't be doing business with this expert again. He wasted my time.
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Had to specify a lot of times what I wanted
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The writer recommend me to cancel the order
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Horrible and non-responsible writer. missing 2 pages and did not follow the instructions. i paid for that so called "top writer bonus" yet this is not a top writer cuz no top writer is unreliable.
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This writer was always good, but not this time. He didn't read the directions nor asked questions, did the assignment as how he understood it. Which was totally wrong from what was required. He had to redo the whole 7 page paper which was already a day past the deadline. Now my grade is down many points and I told him that it was a Final Assignment. Just sad
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Writer had a hard time understand directions. Had to many papers to focus on.
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Miscommunication about topic, when returned the project seemed like it was half put together. I expected more from someone who had such a high rating/price.
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
not up to standard
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
this writer is very stupid he did not get anything. ( I am swearing you guys and I would not recommended you to assign him in order to he is very VERY STUPID.( HE CANCELED THE ORDER. HOWEVER, HI DID NOT FINISH THE PAPER)
Prices Quality Delivery Support
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