Say about WritePaper.com:
Too simple and surface level.
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Say about TopAssignmentExperts.com:
she did not care about the time you set to her, lots of excuse. one you dont give 10/10 she will play "game" with you. answer you message dependent on her mood. cant follow the instruction ever single time. i am so done with her.
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Say about TheStatisticsAssignmentHelp.com:
he told me that he will write a sample for me and he did not. he toke long time to finish my order . at the end he did it but not like what i was looking for . I can not extend the deadline any more so i have to fix it by my self . free plagiarism .
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Say about LegitWriting.com:
The writer delayed and unfinished. I’m unable to submit the work on time
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Say about Essay.Cafe:
I expected better writing quality, writer very unresponsive
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Say about EssayWritingnz.com:
Misunderstood the assignment, but had excellent communication skills.
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Say about MarvelousEssays.com:
My essay was of top quality. Thank you very much. I will recommend you.
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Say about MA-Dissertations.com:
The writer is a liar
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Say about 1Essay.org:
Writer bid on two assignments and then asked me to cancel because he said it was to hard.
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Say about OzPaperHelp.com:
I did not like that she did not respond when she was done. I had to reach out to customer service in order for her to respond.
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Say about AcademicianHelp.co.uk:
Please find my supervisor comments: Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this. I have included my feedback on the results and discussion sections for your reference.
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Say about HelpWithDissertation.com:
This writer is good only at the beginning of the process other then that most revisions and things you are unsatisfied with don't get changed in your paper.
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Say about NewAssignmentHelp.co.uk:
This writer is a total scam, he did not follow the instruction at all and claim that there is some graphs that can not be shown unless I paid for the first 4 parts, and I later found out that it was all bullshit. I asked for a rewrite the writer agreed, after 1 week they said they have finished and uploaded me the exact same work. And then they never reply.
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Say about ProlificResearchPaperWriters.com:
cancelled the order after 2 days
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Say about EssayWritingService.ca:
This powerpoint was awful. I will now spend the next couple of weeks attempting to fix up work that is beyond repair and try to make it better. Next time, I will just ask for an essay and design my own slides.
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Say about AGradeDude.com:
I got a very low mark. The statement are not stronger.
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