Say about MastersThesisWriting.com:
This was a very easy assignment that he managed to screw up. Not responding to messages in a polit manner. Overall, very poor quality
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Say about WritePaper.com:
did not follow instructions poorly done
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Say about StudentsAssignments.com:
the ppt Was just black and white there was no images nothing paid 148 with tax and quality of paper is not good at all
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Say about Writing4U.ae:
does not follow instructions at all. Argues with you when you try to explain that it was done incorrectly. awful
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Say about KillerPapers.org:
Ask him for proposal the he do it as essay
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Say about ParaphrasingServices.net:
Did not read the instructions and didn't do it right
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Say about EssayTyper.pro:
a part of the paper was due on the 8th of Nov.. I talked to him and extended the deadline to the 10 of Nov but he still did not write anything. He does not even answer me
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Say about AUWritingHelp.com:
writer unable to follow directions of details for order
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Say about WritingPaper.org:
Hi, I am not happy with the essay provided for me. It clearly is not written with English as a first language and the instructions were not followed and now it is near deadline and I cannot submit this.
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Say about MathProblem.net:
I had to keep correcting them when the instructions were literally right there. It was ridiculous. Never again :/
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Say about ProfessionalEssayWriters.com:
I felt like the write was not too familiar with this topic.
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Say about Essays-Professors.com:
Thank you for your hard work. The paper was just as I asked. I appreciate it!
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Say about Nursing-Assignments.com:
Not that bad
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Say about HelpMyAssignment.com:
the only good thing about this paper is that it had no plagiarism
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Say about BestCustomEssay.org:
Extremely unsatisfied because she wrote unrelated content and i had to change everything again.
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Say about WritePaper.com:
Not clear explnation and hard to understand
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Say about TheStatisticsAssignmentHelp.com:
Prices Quality Delivery Support