Say about MatLabAssignmentExperts.com:
Asked her to edit it and gave her plenty time, she didn't even submit the new version, had to pay for a poor piece of work. want my money back.
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Say about 1CustomPapers.com:
The deadline was not met. I contacted the writer and he/she assured me that every would be finish on time. ????
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Say about TheHappyBeavers.com:
I was told I have to re-submit a request that was done a week ago. Part of it was I would like to have the paper done sooner but I was told I have to re-order and start from scratch. I re-sumbitted the order with the same writer with much higher payment.
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Say about StudentsAssignments.com:
Not as much change as I wanted
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Say about ResumeWritingServices.us:
Not what was asked for originally. Writer tired but deadline was passed.
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Say about Essays.Agency:
writer put a bid on a task that did not have the capacity to complete. please monitor writer bids so that they do not automatically bid on projects they cannot complete and waste the customers time.
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Say about AssignmentLand.com:
Sorry, just not what I am looking for in an art history paper.
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Say about AssignmentHelpDeal.co.uk:
The expert claims he understands everything and will finish in a timely manner, but waits last minute to even allow you to have any idea of the work he has done and expects you to pay for part one with some basic work done. The expect did not even finish part one in the required time frame. and claims that he is working on the project. as others have commented, this guy likes to take his sweet ass time, deadline means nothing to him.
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Say about EssayRepublic.net:
So many grammatical errors. I had to redo the entire paper.
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Say about Proofreading-Help-Online.com:
Completely broken english, it's unuseable.
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Say about EssayWritingService.com:
Decent work and very timely. Needed some significant edits to meet the criteria and to polish the writing, but overall good product.
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Say about Essay-Edge.net:
You delivered my latest essay in record time. I don't know what to say, other than thaaaank you! You all are awesome!
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Say about PrimeEssays.co.uk:
Awesome writer!
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Say about Essay-Professors.com:
I usually try to write all of my papers myself, but this year, I managed to fall behind in my school work due to an illness, so I hired your writing service to write my term paper. It was written in a very reasonable amount of time and returned to me error-free. It was concise and well-written and it deserved that A+ grade that it received! I was so happy I made the decision to try your service.
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Say about WritingMetier.com:
Paper had many grammatical errors and 7/8 in-text citations had the author`s name spelled incorrectly.
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Say about YourDissertation.com:
This was really bad it did not answer the question that was asked for in the post.
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Say about WriteMyEssayRapid.com:
I have been a client since 2017 , and never faced an experience like this ! my work got Delayed , Very high percentage of plagiarism and bad quality work ! i had to reach to Support so they contact this writer to fix his work . after all , my time and money got wasted .I would not recommend this writer to anyone. Hopefully no one go through this experience again .
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