Say about ResumeDiscover.com:
Writer did not follw instruction after telling the writer to correct the assignment. Time run out and i had to complete the assignment myself. Sadly, the writer got paid for incorrect work
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Say about EduMagnate.co:
The essay he wrote uses college level words but uses very basic paragraph structure. Follows the "Firstly, Secondly, Lastly" type of structure which isn't bad, but I now have to do some editing myself.
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Say about MyAssignment.lk:
Expert constantly lied and essentially did nothing
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Say about AccurateEssays.com:
Didnt follow the instructions provided and just wrote whatever she wanted to take it out of the way.... a waste of money.
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Say about Essay-Capital.net:
The writer refuse to complete the work.
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Say about DissertationWritings.com:
he did not follow instructions. I needed a paper with references on cross cultural events the paper was wrote as if he has never watched the movie.
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Say about CustomWritingService.com:
Thanks a lot for the best research paper. But your forget to write about Recommendations (suggestions for future ) after the conclusion
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Say about Essay-To-Go.net:
Supposed to be in APA format and had several mistakes, I spent over an hour correcting this paper.
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Say about OnlineAssignmentWriter.com:
Not following the instruction and poor communication
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Say about ParaphraseGenerator.org:
well, it's doesn't answer correctly, need more understanding about the question of the assignment. end up i need to do it by myself.
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Say about CuteWriters.com:
I had used her before and was pleased, but this paper was so poorly written (countless grammar and citation errors as well as typos) it took me three hours just to clean up part of it.
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Say about CheapCustomWriting.com:
Did not meet deadline and all instructions were not followed. Submitted order weeks in advance.
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Say about QualityEssays.co.uk:
Outstanding! The book review is excellent! Thank you for everything :)
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Say about AceYourCoursework.com:
too late to finish , excess the submission
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Say about SuperbEssay.com:
This isn't my first time using an essay company, but it is my most positive experience to date. Your choice is simply astounding, and all of the resources I picked out were extremely useful! Thank you!
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Say about WriteAnEssay-ForMe.com:
The writer did not do what i told them
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