Say about Scribania.co.uk:
Mediocre work with vague information. Not all directions followed. Used Google drive links as resources for textbooks.
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Say about DissertationServiceUK.com:
Finished in time as expected.
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Say about StudentsAssignments.com:
Overall this expert has had my blood pressure through the roof and with all the help and feedback notes I’ve supplied him with; he still failed to produce quirky work even after giving the expert an extra week to fix mistakes. - never again will I use this expert. - scammed me out of $300 with nothing to show
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Say about KSAServices.net:
Instructions are not being followed I have asked writer to revised and he is insisting the instructions are followed, and they are not.
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Say about TopEssayWriting.net:
The deadline is end hi say the did no what have to write.
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Say about 4Students.us:
Only got 60/100 for this one, here is the comment from the TA.This was a decent attempt at summarizing and defending Rawls' arguments. However the paper would have benefited if it was given a single organizing thesis around which the arguments were made, rather than jumping from topic to topic. The objection you raised to Rawls' view was also unclear to me.
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Say about SuperiorPapers.com:
Very horrible. DO NOT recommend. Did NOT follow any instructions. Failing paper.
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Say about Proofreading-Help-Online.com:
Sorry for the delay, it said the cash would release after 72 hours, i was in another state and didnt have my password
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Say about GetPersonalStatementHelp.com:
It got a 60%..the lowest grade I've ever received in school ever.
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Say about AssignmentBank.co.uk:
Unfortunately, you did not follow the prompts for the 2nd post, which required the following: -Considering their 1B and 1C, please reflect and share an example of how you were socially sanctioned for breaking gender performance norms, or you have witnessed others being socially sanctioned for breaking gender performance norms. Each reply should have different examples.
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Say about TheBrightWriters.net:
timing is good, grammatical issues
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Say about UKEssayWriters.co.uk:
Off the topic:( raising money & time
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Say about Paper-Research.com:
good but not it is not as promised thank you
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Say about Custom-Writing.org:
It is long time since I have found your cheap online service. I enjoy that you always support me whenever I cannot cope with my writing tasks. Every time I buy a paper from you at a cheap price, you complete my order just like I request. I am happy to have you, guys! You make my college life be full of memorable days that are free from boring paperwork! Thank you so much!
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Say about MyEssayGeek.com:
really?.. telling to release part of the funds right after this paper was assigned to you and I asked if you would put 1/3 of the assignments up first then I will release the funds but he said no
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Say about WritingsCentre.com:
It was the first time I used this service and I'm fully satisfied with the provided quality! I'm very thankful!
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