Say about ReliablePapers.com:
The writer did no type of research on what the project entailed
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Say about AcademicWritingExperts.com:
Writer is understanding and follows directions accordingly, very satisfied with writer's service and papers he/she writes!
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Say about GetTutorHelp.com:
Doesn’t read all the messages, so he leaves out some important information. I had to repeat myself 3 4 times. He doesn’t like it when asked to revise something. Says stuff like “hope this is the last time I work on this paper, etc
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Say about AceWriters.org:
Writer is unresponsive and late with work
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Say about BestCustomWriting.org:
He did not follow the instruction and does not have the knowledge on the topic
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Say about WriteMyPaper4Me.co:
Did not send me an outline on time and not communication since then
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Say about AustraliaAssignmentHelp.com:
the writer was most of the time offline
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Say about BestCustomEssay.org:
Wasn't online to fix the mistakes.
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Say about Gradexy.com:
The writer didn't introduce citations on a Master's Program level of writing.
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Say about ReliablePapers.com:
Writer can not make deadline requested
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Say about CheapCustomWriting.com:
first order finishing at last minutes and at this point didn't even have time to go over
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Say about AssignmentEmpire.co.uk:
Didn't finish essay, and incomplete thought. Also work cited page was not done properly.
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Say about PaperHelp.org:
couldn't acquire the material, never wrote anything
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Say about Writing-Services.org:
Very weird writing style, 20% of what she wrote is unusable and irrelevant to the topic.... not the best
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Say about Midterm.us:
the expert was 12 hours late, not responding to messages and submitted one code marking it as a finished assignment not allowing the money return.
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Say about UltimateAssignmentHelp.com:
I received a D for this, I asked the writer several times over a period of 13 hrs for the name of the title to start an additional assignment that relates to the assignment, No response. The assignment was also delivered late, and lastly, they did not follow instructions. I've read the assignment over, and unfortunately the grade was generous. Thank goodness this is a once in a while thing..
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Say about Essay-To-Go.net:
plagiarized and over deadline would not communicate with support or me
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