Say about CheapResumeWritingServices.net:
My major is fashion design. I sent my resume and you should find the fashion brand.
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Say about Affordable-Papers.net:
I extended the deadline but the work was not good and very simple not for a master student .. sorry
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Say about TheDissertationHelp.co.uk:
Not my expected paper.
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Say about Fresh-Essay.com:
Cool guys! To work with you is a real pleasure!
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Say about PrecisionEssays.com:
I can't get my result. so how can I rate
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Say about TopAssignmentHelp.co.uk:
Please don't assign this writer ID: 32034 to my order anymore. Thanks!
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Say about AssignmentLand.com:
i am not satisfied the assignment is late as well as he took extra money from me.
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Say about MyHomeworkMarket.com:
Inadequate communicator and didn't follow the suggestion or comment i made.
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Say about LitReview.net:
sorry but not recommend it
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Say about AllHomeworkHelp.com:
My writer has wrote in the wrong format, again.
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Say about ContentMajestic.com:
Didn't answered my answers according my description. the writer copy paced everything from report and you are not copying everything from report when you need presentation
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Say about WritingPaper.org:
This is my professor' feedback:
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Say about CustomWritings.com:
Did not do anything, send me bunch of error codes and do not
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Say about WriteMyThesis.net:
Just sad... did not know what an annotated bibliography is and at the last minute told me to give her an example after already telling her what it was and sending her a link explaining what it was.... ultimately caused me to fail... do not hire this writer.
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Say about SuperiorEssayPapers.com:
No response at all!!!
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Say about Writerspk.com:
This paper is terrible. Have they even proofread? There are so many grammar, and conceptual errors.
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