Say about NursingEssayExamples.com:
Average. I expected a better write up than what i got considering the fact that she's a writer. I appreciate her efforts anyway.
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Say about EssayCrazy.com:
Great writer, very supportive and understanding! Well written and organized.
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Say about LawBlogWriters.com:
He never finished the order, he gave me something random from the internet. Plus he rights extremely bad.
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Say about EssaysnAssignments.co.uk:
I got 50% out of 100 on this essay and the pass mark is 60%. i provided all the information i had. i am very disappointed. this is the last time i am using marvelous essay, you guys lost a customer.
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Say about PrimeEssays.com:
Another excellent paper from your service! Of course, you already know I got the highest mark for the first assignment. You wrote the paper exactly as it should be without any problems.
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Say about WriteMyEssayFor.me:
Good work but the writer did not finish on time. The writer was actually delayed for almost two hours and then a little revision took the writer more than an hour. At the time when the writer finished the essay, I did not even need it any more.
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Say about MikesNursingEssay.com:
Fair, grammar needs work. Was very open to making corrections but the 1st draft was not good.
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Say about ParaphrasingOnline.com:
Writer provided nothing that I asked for and customer service did nothing about it
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Say about EssayWritingnz.com:
Asked for review and only posted the same paper i asked for review. Not worth it.
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Say about BookMyEssay.com:
Was not a good result!
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Say about AcademicSciences.co.uk:
I required 4 pages just write 3 pages and did that after deadline.
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Say about EssayWritingService.ca:
did not completley follow instructions
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Say about EssaysLab.com:
Your service is, by far, the best one on the Internet. I am quite pleased that you did much work with the speed and accuracy that I never expected. Thank you. I appreciate that you are an excellent writing service.
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Say about BigPaperWriter.com:
Hi no sources were listed.
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Say about AcademicWritingExperts.com:
no response from the writer
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Say about Essay-Professors.com:
I just returned from class and I got top marks on the assignment your essay service helped me on. Thank you very much. I could not have done it without your professional, expert writers helping me out on this.
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Say about PapersLead.com:
She didnt even finish my paper. She didnt write the conclusion. She didnt indent the paragraphs.. not good
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