Say about BestAssignmentWriters.co.uk:
unable to have live chat with him.
Say about EssaysLab.com:
My essay was written without any errors and I received it according to the deadline. I will tell my friends about you! :)
Say about Dissertations-Online.com:
The writer was very quick with the task, and it looked as if everything was fine. But by taking a closer look to the text, I noticed that most of the references are kinda irrelevant to the sentence the writer was writing about, and seemed kinda random. Some of the facts I checked were completely false from scientific point of view, and the structure was lacking.
Say about BestGhostWriters.net:
Usually this writer is great but wasn't doing well on grammar in this paper!
Say about EssayFactory.uk:
I placed two orders and this writer just did one and send me the exactly same paper on the other order. Also he refuse to correct after I asked.
Say about CaseProfessors.com:
Didn't follow the requirement at all, kind of cheating on doing this work! Need a critical essay but received a restaurant review paper.
Say about IdealAssignmentHelp.com:
Paper quality was not at the expected state.
Say about Anonymous-Essay.com:
this expert made me worry about my Homework this expert sent the Homework before the deadline in a few hours which you can check it because there was not enough time to check it
Say about UKEssayTigers.co.uk:
Do NOT pick this writer for literature assignments, the effort and communication was poor. I had to do the whole assignment by myself, please be careful, this writer did not provide high-quality work.
Say about Custom-Essay.org:
She's good writer, but she wait until the last minute to finish your work. She made me have overdue date because she did't finish my work at time and I didn't even have time to review before I submitted my assignment because was late and I was running with time.
Say about NursingEssayExamples.com:
Average. I expected a better write up than what i got considering the fact that she's a writer. I appreciate her efforts anyway.
Say about EssayCrazy.com:
Great writer, very supportive and understanding! Well written and organized.
Say about LawBlogWriters.com:
He never finished the order, he gave me something random from the internet. Plus he rights extremely bad.
Say about EssaysnAssignments.co.uk:
I got 50% out of 100 on this essay and the pass mark is 60%. i provided all the information i had. i am very disappointed. this is the last time i am using marvelous essay, you guys lost a customer.
Say about PrimeEssays.com:
Another excellent paper from your service! Of course, you already know I got the highest mark for the first assignment. You wrote the paper exactly as it should be without any problems.
Say about WriteMyEssayFor.me:
Good work but the writer did not finish on time. The writer was actually delayed for almost two hours and then a little revision took the writer more than an hour. At the time when the writer finished the essay, I did not even need it any more.
Say about MikesNursingEssay.com:
Fair, grammar needs work. Was very open to making corrections but the 1st draft was not good.