Say about PapersGear.com:
Assignment was not completed on time due error on the system processing payment and the writer only completed a portion of the assignment and needed to extend more time again. Assignment was handed in late and questions were not fully answered.
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Say about SupremeEssays.net:
I hope I will be able to request the same writer who has done my previous two papers once more. He did fantastic job. I will have a big term paper due in 6 wks. I will give my business to your wonderful company.
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Say about SafeAssignments.net:
Pretty good writing
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Say about ResumeMaster.in:
This writer need to be improve
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Say about USATodayEducation.com:
This expert didn't respect the deadline, 5 days after the deadline he even didn't finish 30% of the assignment and managed to take 60% of payment. The support team was good and quick in replying. Please watch the comments before hiring him. I should have paid attention to the comments.
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Say about MyAdmissionEssay.org:
She didn't write the paper in the way it supposed to be. also didn't answer the questions and requirements.
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Say about GulfWriter.com:
Average, my essay was about to analyze a documentary with unique thesis. Her writing is more like a summary.
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Say about Proofreading-Help-Online.com:
There were a lot of mistakes on my project and I received a poor grade for the assignment. 64% grade.
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Say about EssayTwist.com:
Its soooo good thanks fam
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Say about Prime-Essay.com:
After seeing the excellent quality of the work that you do, I have no doubt in my mind that your writing team is educated, experienced and that they care about their work. My essays are absolutely perfect. I highly recommend your service to all of my friends. You can do the job right.
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Say about PapersGear.com:
not credible, the info that the writer wrote did not match the source that was given
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Say about SpeedyWriters.us:
The work was never completed
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Say about BuyEssay.org:
No recourse page or citations and word count is way below what I asked
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Say about BestEssay.Help:
Low writing skills
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Say about EssayHelp.org:
Well written but did not meet the deadline, my anxiety was over the roof.
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Say about Dissertation-Editor.com:
Couldn't follow my instructions, ignored them all did his own thing when it was all wrong, I'd review and give him the feedback to adjust, give him material that will be useful, ignores it all
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Say about FinanceHomeworkHelp.org:
poor service attitude and pass due the deadline
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