Say about SixDollarEssay.com:
I placed two orders and this writer just did one and send me the exactly same paper on the other order. Also he refuse to correct after I asked.
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Say about Essay.Coach:
Not on time. Excuses
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Say about LawAssignments.co.uk:
Deadline not met
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Say about Rush-My-Essay.com:
I don't like this writer. I told him to changing some material and he said okay but he didn't do anything. I also told him to follow the instruction which I upload the file but I don't know if he understand or not. He mostly offline throughout my deadline and whenever I told him to change something he just said okay he didn't ask any question. Personally I don't like this paper and I recommend do not take this writer in future.
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Say about EssayWritingPlanet.com:
Did not follow the rubric
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Say about AssignmentFirm.com:
Some of the questions are not answered. The writer is online but he did not reply to my message. The response time is way longer than what it stated " 5minutes"
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Say about EssayEver.com:
Numerous spelling errors and grammatical inconsistencies!
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Say about AaccountingAssignments.Help:
reluctant to make "good" revision even I had provide a lot of materials for him to read and extended the deadline.
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Say about EduGuide.pro:
Not enough cited sources.
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Say about BestCustomEssayWriting.com:
I asked for a revision and the writer decided to re-write the entire paper instead of making necessary revisions. This caused too long of a delay, and was unable to cancel the order due to being on the finishing stage. Revisions do not mean re-write everything completely. The original writing was not sufficient, and many filler statements/sentences were created.
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Say about DoMyHomework.co.uk:
Wording choice is beneficial of the assignment had to edit the paper after giving strict precise instructions and did not meet deadline
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Say about SixDollarEssay.com:
I had a very strict time deadline the writer did not meet. I understand the essay was a bit complicated and there was only a limited time but.. I had to write my own essay and turn it in so it would not be late..
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Say about PapersGear.com:
Completed after the deadline. Had to go back and correct some parts of the paper.
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Say about GetHomeworkDone.com:
Didn't deliver what I asked for!!!
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Say about DissertationHelp.com:
Instructions are very important, next time read them, if I say no running head, then I mean no running head. I gave you how to format the subheadings, and you just over looked them. Now I have to do it.
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Say about SpeedyWriters.us:
Paper is a flight of ideas, does not flow well, asked for more money to make the paper more detailed, i have used this service before with no problems but this writer, steer clear.
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Say about AssignmentEssayTyper.com:
This writer didn't follow any directions at all that was stated on my Paper. I paid well over $80 for it and got a zero.
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