Say about ResumeBros.com:
The writer was nice and all but the paper was not done till the day of submission and didn't get the chance to do some editing. on top of that, the writing was not up to par, somewhat confusing with the language used. I asked to cancel the work and requested a refund, but only partial refund was given and the balance just disappear from the outer space.
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Say about 1CustomPapers.com:
doesnt read paper instructions
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Say about FreelanceHouse.co.uk:
I have to proofread the paper as there are many grammatical errors.
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Say about OnlineAssignmentWriter.com:
I just message the writer to re do, because the time is running out, better provide a writer knows IB TOK.
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Say about Writing-Endeavour.com:
the writing is way off, completely missed the mark.
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Say about RoyalEssay.co:
failure by all standards! after firmly committing to deliver! unbelievable
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Say about CheckMyEssay.net:
Deviated away from original topic and while providing good content, didn't provide correct formatting that was requested.
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Say about OkayEssay.com:
Poor communication after I asked for a revision I received the same paper. Did not follow directions. I will never use this writer again.
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Say about ResumeWritingServices.us:
The information were random and not similar to what i asked
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Say about EliteProResume.com:
Writer bid on two assignments and then asked me to cancel because he said it was to hard.
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Say about MarvelousEssays.com:
A well done job deserves sincere thanks, and that is why I am writing. An acquaintance informed me that your service puts a lot of time and contemplation into your compositions, and I must say he was right. I appreciate your hard work here and congratulate you on persuading one more customer to become devoted. I will turn over all of my writing assignments to your company. Thank you!
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Say about VortexEssay.com:
She won't respond my text.
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Say about AssignmentDone.co.uk:
Bad grammar. Did not follow directions. Rushed work!!! Don't not assign this person!!!
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Say about WritingPaper.org:
This paper was my first paper with you guys and I believe it will be the last one! Your write is not educated enough to help others! If I requested it write to do my paper I trusted that person but the way writing my paper and then telling me to pay more to complete the order right 2 hrs before the dues dates, doesn't look good, and means the write didn't do good writing the paper! This person deserves to be fired and needs to learn how to write paper and how to be responsible!
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Say about AdvancedWriters.com:
In instructions a excell spreadsheet was supposed t be done it was not addressed
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Say about FinanceHomeworkHelp.org:
The writer seems haven't wrote any film studies's fled paper before. she did excellent job on reading analysis. But that's not what I want. I won't use it. She rarely talks with me while she's writing. This will be an experience for me to work by myself is the best.
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Say about AccurateEssays.com:
It started well, then he kept reading the messages without replying, so I don’t know what happened to him
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