Say about CustomWritings.com:
Very bad writing
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Say about TopEssayWriting.net:
Did not follow instructions. he was willing to help but all his writing was poor. bad organization of idea's and everything was
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Say about ParaphrasingService.org:
If you want a non US paper and bachelor's level writing. This is the place to be. Not impressed.
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Say about Proofreading-Help-Online.com:
It took too many attempts to get the right answers for the math problems.
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Say about CheckMyEssay.net:
Spelling mistakes. Average work
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Say about 6DollarEssay.com:
I don't know how does this person have such a good rating. There is no way so many people could have been satisfied by his services. His English is worse than mine and I am from Europe. There is no reason to contact this person for something above a highschool level essay. I have 2 more days until the end of my deadline and I have to remake the whole paper. I guess that's what I get for being lazy.
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Say about MyAdmissionEssay.org:
Did not understand the topic well, and revisions were not very well done
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Say about EssaysLab.com:
Every my order was delivered on time! Your punctuality and responsibility impressed me! This online essay service is definitely the best one!
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Say about UKEssayWriters.co.uk:
did not follow directions
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Say about Writerspk.com:
I have to proofread the paper as there are many grammatical errors.
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Say about CharteredTutorials.com:
he never added pics to the article as i asked him
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Say about BritishCoursework.com:
I got an F on my paper. I pay my money because I trust in their abilities.
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Say about CPResumes.com:
didn't follow the instructors
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Say about ResearchPaperStar.com:
Poor quality and not recommended. I requested to do something but unfortunately I haven’t received even an answer.
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Say about Essay.Coach:
seems like she rushed... small mistakes
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Say about TopAssignmentExperts.com:
Oder cancelled by the writer a day before it was due to be completed as the writer claimed their "computer broke".
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Say about MyCloudEssay.com:
Did not follow my instruction
Prices Quality Delivery Support