Say about UrgentEssayHelp.co.uk:
did not complete work in a time requested, missed my deadline to turn in paper.
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Say about ProlificResearchPaperWriters.com:
Horrible communication. Writer left and never communicated to fix the issues.
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Say about Affordable-Papers.net:
Overall did a good job but didn't understand my clear instructions on oral citations. Understandably, he had to revise it a couple times so it was completed 2hrs past due date. Was a great help but I will still need to revise it myself.
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Say about NursingHomeworks.com:
Issues popped up during plagiarism check.
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Say about VortexEssay.com:
I provided all the material needed and a couple days in advanced and got a 64% on my essay... Unacceptable! If I am paying for something I should at least get an 80%.
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Say about GulfWriter.com:
Lazy and fast for nothing
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Say about MarvelousEssays.com:
Last year I was very confused about this whole college writing thing. There were so many assignments with various formatting requirements and other stuff. They all became muddled to me, so upon a friend's recommendation I hired your writers to write some sample papers for me. They have worked to teach me the techniques of college writing. I would recommend that to anyone who has troubles with writing to get some example papers from your custom essay writing service. They have a great potential to help.
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Say about PlagiarismFreeAssignment.com:
Poor quality with poor responsibility
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Say about PrimeWriting.co.uk:
I am super satisfied with the work that my writer did on my paper. But what I liked the most was the good customer services. He/she answered right away to my message and even after the revision was due he/she was open for me to contact in case I needed another change. Very professional. Keep it with the outstanding job.
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Say about BritishDissertationEditors.co.uk:
not listening to instruction, not completing task on time-frame agreed on.
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Say about YourEssayHelper.com:
Completely disregarded the requirements for the writing piece and tells me a day before its due that he doesnt have the necessary materials.
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Say about EssayBishops.com:
good communication and good punctuality
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Say about CheapCustomWriting.com:
This proposal did not even cover Anatomical aspect at all.l think the first writer assigned to my first order on getting suitable PhD Anatomy topics understands better.
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Say about Essays-Professors.com:
Well, thanks to you, I was able to meet my requirements which were more satisfactory that I expected. The paper was well researched and promptly delivered. You can expect me to come back again for other writing assignments.
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