Say about NursingEssayExamples.com:
The writer did not follow directions
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Say about MyAssignment.lk:
I just needed a quarter of the essay for my professors early requirements and this writer never messaged back. Unprofessional.
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Say about EssaysBot.com:
Not all points were covered thank you for the effort
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Say about GetPersonalStatementHelp.com:
Stayed on topic, however, had lots of filler that was re-stated. Had many verb-tense issues throughout, multiple misspellings, several grammatical errors every other sentence, and overall very sloppy for what should be considered a finished product. I am still going to need to seriously edit this before I turn it in. It is a good base of an essay for sure, but be clear that is what you are presenting, a base, not a finished, well-polished, grammatically-correct essay.
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Say about WritingsCentre.com:
Dear Judy! This was the first time I have ever ordered an essay online, so it is also the first time I have ever used your essay service. Suffice it to say, I will never see the need to use any other service. The work you did for me could not have been better. It was outstanding! Thank you!
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Say about AssignmentEssayTyper.com:
not professional enough but in time
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Say about ProEssay.co.uk:
4 days late, did totally wrong, worst
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Say about DissertationHelp.com:
On the surface the paper was done nicely. When I went back to properly make the sources APA style Not only was the writer late but the sources they used were not legit. In the first draft she (if it is really a female) used a book from 1961 to talk about the current rates an Art Designer gets. She did not use proper APA for citing because she couldn't she was making the quotes up.
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Say about College-Paper.org:
Not finished in time.
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Say about EssayAssist.com:
you are the worst writer i haven't seen like you before you didn't read the requirement for the homework
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Say about MyHomeworkMarket.com:
Late and did not follow the instructions on number of sources needed or how this would impact healthcare
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Say about UK.BestEssays.com:
isnt exactly what i asked for
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Say about ExpertAssignmentHelp.co.uk:
forgot to answer some of the questions
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Say about Edu-Birdie.us:
Wrong topic, wasn't able to communicate and late work. DO NOT ORDER FROM HIM OR YOU WILL REGRET!
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Say about Anonymous-Essay.com:
Will not use again.
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Say about ProfessionalEssayWriters.com:
The writer couldn't do the assignment due to its complexity.
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Say about ResumeBros.com:
Not what I expected at all
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