Say about Scribania.co.uk:
the writer could not complete a 250 word journal without multiples cited references. When I email writer about the issue he simply extended the reference instead of utilizing his words
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Say about Paper-Research.com:
did not read instructions completely and submitted incomplete work the first submission.
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Say about AssignmentHelpForYou.com:
Although I think the paper is well written, I'm not satisfied with the research question that was picked. I believe it is too general and not strong enough for admission into graduate school.
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Say about USAEliteWriters.com:
it was not explained correctly!
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Say about EssaysLeader.com:
Everything looks really good with my essay. Thanks for your help. I will tell my friends about you.
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Say about BestGhostWriters.net:
It was done after the deadline!
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Say about EssayWritingService.ca:
assignment was completed 4 hours after the deadline
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Say about ParaphrasingServices.net:
Totally wrong graph
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Say about EssayResources.com:
Writer did not start on report and asked for three more days. Would not recommend. Big price not worth it.
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Say about GetCollegeEssay.com:
Very disappointed with this order. I'm a usual customer and this is the worst writer I have encountered.
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Say about MyAssignment.lk:
The paper was written on time. However, I basically had to rewrite the entire paper. The paper was filled with grammatical errors and the sources were cited incorrectly. There were also so many redundant sentences that had to be taken out altogether.
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Say about EssayTyperPlus.com:
Not in flow chart form but acceptable
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Say about MyHomeworkMarket.com:
fast but 30% plagiarized
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Say about SpeedyCourseWork.co.uk:
Please get the confirmation on the number of pages and word count before accept the bid. Not flexible at all.
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Say about USATodayEducation.com:
Not worth the money! plagiarism problems..
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Say about EssaysWriters.com:
About the conversation over the phone yesterday, I must say James solved a problem with my credit card so fast. Now I know that you are a well-recognized and trusted company on the Internet. The result was good enough.
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Say about Writing-Services.org:
not what i want. he was away since the deadline came. i had to revise the papers by myself after all, though he did revised some of it, the work is not totally completed.
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