Say about TCBSolutions.net:
DONT PICK THIS WRITER. Did not follow the instructions carefully and had plenty of time to revise the paper like I asked but ended up with a shitty quality paper. Had lots of typos and majority of the sentences in the paper didnt make any f*cking sense. Totally screwed me up. Too bad I cant ask for a refund. Learn from my mistake people!
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Say about PaperHelpCenter.com:
Submit the paper super late.
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Say about BritishCoursework.com:
I gave her 9 questions to solve, only 1 question was perfectly answered rest were either wrong or incomplete. If I upload this one I'm surely failing no doubt in that.
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Say about EssayProp.com:
Too many attempts to get the answers right.
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Say about SmartWriters.org:
the work was well done, but when asked for it to be revised it wasn't really followed through 100%, this was really disappointing to me, as he was really good at what he was doing, became slow at replying towards the end. Overall wasn't happy with the end.
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Say about TheTutorsHelp.com:
Did my assignment wrong not worth the 80 dollars.
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Say about BrightAssignment.com:
later than due time.always offline.no contact.
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Say about ProEssayWriter.net:
The writer did not follow the instructions
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Say about AssignmentKingdom.com:
The research completely shocked me; it was that good!
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Say about CaseProfessors.com:
order cancelled as soon as assigned, please do not bid if you cannot complete the task
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Say about ProlificResearchPaperWriters.com:
Quit after accepting order. Took money without finishing the task.
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Say about EliteCustomWritings.com:
I released 60$ already but have to cancel the last parts because the writer gave me 2 parts later than the deadline. So I had to turn in a late and not complete essay which will make my essay 1/2 grade down. It was half of the system error tho. The writer also offers discount next time for giving me the late essay.
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Say about Proofreading-Help-Online.com:
then why did you bid on it. Did you not read it before bidding, you wasted valuable time
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Say about BritishAssignmentsHelp.co.uk:
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Say about PaperHelp.org:
Did not listen to instructions. Paper was good but required work after
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Say about AceYourCoursework.com:
plagiarism when i checked
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Say about Fresh-Essay.com:
The term paper that I received from your custom essay writing service was informative, interesting and of top-notch quality. Many thanks!
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