Say about EssayResources.com:
Started paper with run on sentence as well as first sentence made no since.
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Say about EssaysProfessors.com:
Excellent work, my friend. Thank you for being such a good writer. I will use your service in future.
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Say about ThesisWritingService.com:
I didn’t get a good grade
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Say about MyCloudEssay.com:
I asked for arguments with the right of privacy for users and the other argument with the social media network to use the data
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Say about OnlineAssignmentWriter.com:
they did not answer all the questions sadly it was a horrible experience and they were very lackadaisical when it came to communication on this essay
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Say about AplusEssay.com:
I need this paper urgently so that I asked whether the writer be familiar with the content. I offered finished data outputs and asked her to simply analyse, but what she did was wrong, although she revised once, that content delivered did not meet even the standard. it worse than my own writing. never use again.
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Say about ProlificResearchPaperWriters.com:
the content is not good enough for an academic homework
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Say about EssaysLeader.com:
I was very worried about using online services for such an important academic work. Besides, my best friend died and it left me unable to complete my work. As a last resort, I decided to try online writing. I was glad I did. I was not disappointed and I got the grade I wanted.
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Say about DissertationProviders.co.uk:
Did not do anything, send me bunch of error codes and do not
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Say about EssaysCouncil.net:
The work was submitted an hour late and I had to talk to customer service in order to get the writer to respond to me in the chat. The paper was also written at a high school level. Also note that I asked for two pages and the first draft that was given to me was really only one page because the second page was just a chart that, by APA guidelines, should have been placed at the end of the paper not in the middle of it. I would not recommend this service.
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Say about Essayontime.com:
ditched me half way through i do not recommend to anyone as he is very unprofessional
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Say about SpeedyAssignments.co.uk:
NOT A GOOD PAPER. the writer never followed my instructions as well as he was not good in communication. Besides, he referred to fake and random sources and page numbers. The bibliography was also uncompleted although I clearly told the writer several times to fix it up.
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Say about MyAssignment.lk:
Highly disappointed. Writer noted that they understood the assignment (of answering 10 questions) but instead wrote 3 unrelated pages to the law system. Requested revision, sent multiple messages with no answer.
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Say about Assignment-Writing-Service.com:
terrible i gave the necessary instructions and got a completely got a differnent topic
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Say about AssignmentEmpire.co.uk:
Writer cheated me out of $250. They repeatedly told me they were going to provide the work for a MONTH but ended up cancelling and did none of the work at all. Make sure you see your work before releasing payment, as the service cannot refund you afterwards, even if the writer did not provide anything.
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Say about ProfessionalLetterWriting.net:
work is not good, did not spend time on research...
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Say about EssaysWriters.com:
I liked everything, but I think that prices are a little bit high.
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