Say about CapstoneWritingServices.net:
Worst Grammer and sentence contruction ever. Waste of money and time. Wouldn't follow directions or rubric. Gave 5 stars for the effort but will just toss the paper and rewrite it all over again.
Say about DissertationHelp.com:
Didn’t submit on time
Say about GoGetEssays.com:
Sometimes, I have trouble preparing my English papers, since English is not my native language. Twice now, I have turned to you for help, and twice, you have saved me from failing grades. I am getting better with my English, but I would never have made it this far without your assistance. Gracias!
Say about BigPaperWriter.com:
The writer took way too long to reply. this never happened before..
Say about Gradexy.com:
Did not follow my instruction
Say about NursingWritingServices.net:
Did not fulfill the instructions at all.
Say about PrimeWritings.com:
The writer made a great effort to create a perfect essay and I'm completely satisfied with the result. Thank you much!
Say about GetmMyResumes.in:
Say about EssayAssist.com:
I uploaded the required reading documents for writer but the writer did not use it at all. it cause big points off
Say about WritePaper.com:
Almost all sentences are grammatically incorrect and make little to no sense.
Say about MikesNursingEssay.com:
very few grammar mistakes. repeated words a little bit too much
Say about UKEssayWriters.co.uk:
This was supposed to be about psychology, not marketing
Say about TutorsUmbrella.com:
I don't think they understood the order very well and when they did the deadline had already gone. Being fair I would say that they made the effort but not to the level I was hoping for. Sorry but thanks anyway
Say about CapstoneWritingServices.net:
Canceled order. Not sure why the writer bet on the paper in the first place.
Say about TheStatisticsAssignmentHelp.com:
This is suck
Say about PaperWriter.co.uk:
Didn't even do anything, literally nothing, kept messaging him and he says yes I am on it