Say about ExpertAssignmentHelp.co.uk:
The work was not completed the writer did not follow the instruction given it was very low quality
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Say about AustraliaAssignmentHelp.com:
Essay isn’t structured
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Say about DissertationCapital.com:
Writer did not follow instructions and counted the header and reference page as one of the pages. I asked him to please fix this issue in which he ignored.
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Say about MyEssayGeek.com:
He good but not what I’m looking for
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Say about EssaysMaster.com:
Writer never responded no longer need service.
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Say about StudyDots.com:
Didn't meet requirements
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Say about BestEssays.com:
Work is great but left until the last minute and didn't finish in time.
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Say about EssayCrazy.com:
Writer provided nothing that I asked for and customer service did nothing about it
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Say about EssayWritingService.com:
The powerpoint was done in a timely fashion, however, there were soooo many grammatical and spelling errors, as well as punctuation errors. There was also no title page done, which was listed in my instructions. I will not use this writer again.
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Say about CheapCustomWriting.com:
Very disappointed.Very unprofessional she didn’t accept to revise my paper she asked me to place another order this is ridiculous.
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Say about CaseProfessors.com:
I had several revisions and I will still need to revise due to writer did not clearly understand.
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Say about BestEssay.Help:
Terrible writer. Very untrustworthy writer, I had to request so many revisions and yet he still could not get it right. he completely forgot about me and did not even bother giving me my paper, now my deadline has passed and there is no sign of him, he ignores me and cannot stick to deadlines. Do not trust this writer. Keep away at all costs.
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Say about PremiumWritingService.com:
not satisfied with the work
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Say about AccountingAssignmentsHelp.com:
Very good website....I received quality work with good marks.
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Say about AssignmentTutor.co.uk:
50 % plaragrized per turnitin.com
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Say about EssaysCouncil.net:
Didn’t follow through the instructions given. Made several mistakes. Based the essay on a film even though it was written twice that it was to be based on the novel and that it was for American literature. Didn’t even constructed it as an essay but more like a sum up of the film. I even uploaded a file to explain how the outline supposed to look like. When I asked what I needed in the revision, I received the same sheet, barely reorganized. Very disappointed to waste my money and time.
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Say about MastersThesisWriting.com:
Thanks for doing my assignment and have received result today and got a fail 11 out of 30.
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