Say about YourPerfectEssay.com:
What he wrote is general and not accurate
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Say about EssaysExperts.com:
Everything is clear, comprehensive, and easy to read. I have no complaints, only praises! Thank you!
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Say about Rush-My-Essay.com:
This was a very easy assignment that he managed to screw up. Not responding to messages in a polit manner. Overall, very poor quality
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Say about SixDollarEssay.com:
Cancelled order a day before the dealine.
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Say about NursingEssayExamples.com:
Expert doesn't abide by the instructions
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Say about WriteMyAssignmentus.com:
The writer did not submit the order on time and ignored my messages after I extended the deadline.
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Say about AcademicSciences.co.uk:
Not at all satisfied with the work done. No thought put in the research question and just overall poorly wrote. Maybe a different topic would be better for the writer.
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Say about TheTutorsHelp.com:
My paper was supposed to been received and the writer did give the paper on time but i was not happy so I asked for a revision. Than I noticed more repetition and asked for a 2nd revision. My paper is now losing a Better grade and I still don't have the final revision i asked for. I have reached out and had no responses from the writer. At this point I do not want this writer and I am not happy with her writing skills for this paper.
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Say about CaseProfessors.com:
poorly written. not familiar with nursing
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Say about MyPapersWriting.com:
Maybe the writer is very busy. no response. Anyway I can correct by myself
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Say about ReliablePapers.com:
Writer ditched my order after promising to take the job
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Say about Custom-Writing.org:
Thank you for the remarkable thesis! I am delighted with my interactions with your service.
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Say about TheTutorsHelp.com:
Writer did not follow directions and when asked for a revision chose to ignore my request.
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Say about ResearchMasterEssays.com:
Not very excited with writer. asked about uploading early was told several times yes i will upload today never did continued to not. Finally uploaded on the day it was due which ok fair. but don't tell me you can upload early and not do it! paper is not best quality. I will have to make changes to it. frustrated
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Say about MastersAssignmentHelp.com:
Inadequate communicator and didn't follow the suggestion or comment i made.
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Say about ResumeBros.com:
i didn't get the way i wanted
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