Say about FreelanceHouse.co.uk:
Does not know anything about what he is writing , not good be careful , you want to fail hire him.
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Say about EduJungles.com:
Got a really bad grade on this paper so disappointed once I got the paper from the writer.
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Say about WritingCities.net:
Asked questions toward the end and he never responded.
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Say about Writing-Endeavour.com:
Did not follow instructions thoroughly and was not delivered on time.
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Say about MyNursingTutors.com:
Was late getting the paper to me.
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Say about TheTutorsHelp.com:
The revision is late.
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Say about Essay.Expert:
The essay was poorly written.
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Say about BritishDissertationEditors.co.uk:
Submitted this paper be revised and fixed. Paper came back with multiple grammar errors. Chatted with the writer to fix the paper again and it came back still with an error. The paper is already passed due so there is no need to keep on waiting for the paper to come back perfect.
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Say about SpeedyCourseWork.co.uk:
Could be better
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Say about RoyalEssays.org:
Was missing a few things and tells me after it's done that I have to put it in details when I had already provided photos with instructions.
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Say about Essay-Edge.net:
Accept my appreciation! It's a great paper!!
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Say about Writers.com.pk:
Good work but it's too late submission
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Say about NursingTermPapers.com:
Sorry, just not what I am looking for in an art history paper.
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Say about Essayrx.com:
Horrible APA format/paragraph work. I should not have to fix it up. Avoid questions.
Prices Quality Delivery Support -
Say about Writing-Services.org:
Waited until very last minute, did not follow the prompt, took forever to respond, did not work with me at all
Prices Quality Delivery Support