Say about AssignmentHelpDeal.co.uk:
Super late on deadlines and no answers from messages until 24 hours later.
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Say about ScholarsPapers.com:
overdue too long time
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Say about Scribania.co.uk:
The writer did not read my instructions. The writer stated they were not clear on the instructions, then they should have asked.
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Say about ExclusivePapers.com:
First time I had doubts if it was worth to order a paper here, but when I received the perfectly written research paper, all my doubts were dispelled. It was well structured and author followed all my instructions. I'm very thankful!
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Say about TopAssignmentHelp.co.uk:
writing a sentence that makes no sense, and adding a bunch of big words, doesn't make it a viable sentence. I was highly disappointed.
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Say about 4Students.us:
Worst writer in i've come across in essay shark so far. Would not recommend to anyone. poor communication and requests for insane extensions very close to the deadline. No progress was seen 1 hour before the deadline.
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Say about Essays-Professors.com:
My essay was structured accurately as I requested. The writer was friendly and attentive to my queries. It was not a big surprise when I got A+, I was sure about that!
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Say about SuperiorEssayPapers.com:
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Say about Custom-Essay.org:
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Say about EssayRia.com:
I love it it is perfect and this writer is an excellent one. Glad I had the courage to order again from this website after my previous bad experience :)
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Say about DoMyAssignmentPro.com:
the writer canceled my order at last one hour.
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Say about AssignmentHolic.co.uk:
I'm not happy with his work, didn't follow the instructions.
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Say about Buy-CheapEssay.com:
Wasted my time and money
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Say about PrecisionEssays.com:
Several grammar errors.
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Say about SuperiorEssayPapers.com:
I gave a 5/10 because the writer wrote something. I had big difficulties communicating to the writer the instructions. I sent crystal clear instructions but the writer wouldn’t get what he had to do.
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Say about ValWriting.net:
The writer was using wrong and and super out dated information and when I contacted her she didn't change what I asked her to just added another paragraph also of wrong information
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Say about TheDissertationHelp.co.uk:
I released 60$ already but have to cancel the last parts because the writer gave me 2 parts later than the deadline. So I had to turn in a late and not complete essay which will make my essay 1/2 grade down. It was half of the system error tho. The writer also offers discount next time for giving me the late essay.
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