Say about HighScholEssay.com:
Needed a lot of clarifications
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Say about WriteMyPaper4Me.co:
Only one reference citation. missed all nursing diagnosis related with the case with nursing intervention and nursing care plan per each nursing diagnosis, missed a comprehensive physical examination head to toe.
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Say about Essay.Coach:
I was hoping for better quality of work
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Say about BangEssay.com:
The writer didn't upload my paper on time. This writer said at 3:00pm that he/she will upload my paper once he/she gets back to work. By 5pm, this writer hasn't upload my paper. I even waited extra 3 hours past the deadline for this writer to upload my essay. This essay was worth 110 points.
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Say about UKEssayWriters.co.uk:
writers has computer l issues pass the deadline writer did work to fix the issue but time was of the essence .
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Say about EssayProp.com:
I only had an 85 on my paper was not too happy about it
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Say about SpecialEssays.com:
I always come back to your writing service, because you hire the best, most experienced writers. I was able to get a paper a little bit cheaper somewhere else, but overall, you offer the best work. It is a pleasure to do business with you. I plan to use your help again soon. I want also to add that your prices are very reasonable.
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Say about CheapEssay.net:
Writer did the work and submit it 3 days before the did-date. Also he provide very organized piece of paper . differently will order from same person again thank you prime writing
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Say about AGradeEssay.com:
not as good as i expected
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Say about EssayWritingnz.com:
Paper full of errors but I have no choice but to release so I can correct them myself. Would NOT recommend. Very unsatisfied with work and communication. I've been begging her to correct issues for 7 hours.
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Say about PapersCorrector.com:
This is not what I ordered.. you did a research on the example provided, not the specified order.
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Say about ParaphrasingOnline.com:
This essay did not answer the question in the prompt. The writer used incorrect references and the paper itself had grammar errors and overall did not make sense.
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Say about TheHappyBeavers.com:
Disorganized, sentences don't make sense, too many typos, had to correct many times. Too many mistakes
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Say about ProEssayWriter.net:
Horrible paper. It was missing a primary source, the title did not match the paper, and it required extensive editing and rewriting. The paper was either written by a bot or someone that English was a second language too. I would not recommend this author.
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Say about CheapResumeWritingServices.net:
I'm happy that it's done, but there's definitely some parts I'll have to review and a few grammatical errors to correct
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Say about ThesisWritingService.com:
This writer got nothing done in a week after receving my order and cancelled couple hours before deadline without any notice! AVIOD THIS PERSON!!!!
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Say about ContentMajestic.com:
thanks for your hard work
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